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Get the free cool App that animates your 4-way jumps!

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4-way Team

Having become a qualified skydiver, making your next step joining a 4-way team is a great way to improve your flying skills really quickly – jumping regularly with the same people; sharing tunnel time; and getting coaching are all great ways to level up. However, in the beginning learning the many different random formations and blocks can feel overwhelming – enter FSNinja!

This great new app is the perfect way to help you visualise where you need to be and what grips you need to be taking. (Or for some of the more experienced amongst us, to double check where our teammates are when we’re facing the other way!) FSNinja provides a fully animated visualisation of all of the moves you need for Rookie and Single A 4-way, with AA and AAA to follow in the near future. Simply choose the formations you want to see and you can click through an animated version of the dive at a speed of your choosing.

FSNinja plays an animation of your chosen dive

Dive Generator & Flashcards

If you’re stuck for ideas for team jumps, FSNinja provides a random dive generator and can generate a full competition draw for you. Dives can be saved for later and shared with your friends online. As a bonus, FSNinja also offers flashcards to really help you do your homework and learn all of those randoms and blocks. Each slot is colour coded so it’s easy to follow and learn at your own pace. It’s much more cost effective to be learning and visualising with FSNinja than trying to remember the shapes in the sky or wind tunnel for the first time – especially given the app is completely free!

Flashcards to memorize the dive pool


Overall this is a brilliant app and it’s not just for beginners. I’ve seen AAA flyers use it to learn their B slots; coaches use it to show what formations and transitions should look like; people have even started using it as an easy way to explain what 4-way is all about to their non-skydiver friends.

“I used FSNinja to explain 4-way to an up and coming tunnel flyer who had no idea what 4-way is – it’s just brilliant! Now she’s on a 4-way team!”Coach Lesley Gale

Become an FS Ninja

Search for FSNinja on Google Play, the App Store (available end of June pending Apple approval) or go to FSNinja.com and you too can animate your 4-way and become an FS Ninja!

Meet: Lesley Gale

Lesley has been in love with skydiving for 35 years. She is a multiple world and national record holder and a coach on 20 successful record events worldwide. She has over 100 competition medals spanning more than 25 years and has been on the British 8-way National team at World events. She started Skydive Mag to spread knowledge, information and passion about our amazing sport.
Lesley is delighted to be sponsored by Performance Designs, Sun Path, Cypres, Cookie, Symbiosis suits and Larsen & Brusgaard

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