
Rigging Innovations merger FAQ

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Sandy Reid, President of Rigging Innovations, answers questions he’s been asked about the big industry news…

Sandy Reid, President of Rigging Innovations

On February 28, 2020, Sun Path’s President, Pat Thomas and I made the formal announcement that our companies would be merging. Since the announcement, the reaction and response have been well-received with messages of goodwill coming in from all over the world. It has been uplifting to connect with so many of you! THANK YOU!


While the announcement has been very positive, there have been some inaccurate rumors which have prompted this letter. I’d like to take this opportunity to add clarity to some of the queries we’ve been presented with…

  • MERGER – Merger or sale, call it what you will, it is a de facto merger i.e. “the integration of or combining of 2 companies into 1 that provides more products for the whole.”
  • THE FUTURE OF OUR PRODUCT LINE – RI’s signature products are not going away
  • MANUFACTURING – RI will continue building our products in AZ for the foreseeable future.
  • SALES AND SERVICE – Ordering and Service of all RI and Sun Path products will remain the same.
  • THE FUTURE PLANS OF SANDY REID – While retirement will come when he’s ready, it’s not happening anytime soon!


While the merging of our two companies has been agreed, our respective companies have elected to do this in phases. Phase I is creating and executing a detailed game plan as there are many logistics involved for a smooth transition. Moving too quickly would only create headaches for both companies and our customers. The transition needs to be seamless, so we’re taking the time to do it right. After all, this has never been done before in the sport parachute industry and we want to set the bar extremely high.

This has never been done before in the sport parachute industry and we want to set the bar extremely high”

RI will still manufacture the CURV, their flagship container


There are no plans to discontinue the CURV, CPX or any of the other RI signature products known today. The merger with Sun Path does not mark the death of our product line, but rather the opposite. Our products will continue to be manufactured, and support for existing products will continue. However, both companies have older generation products that are no longer produced and for which support will be discontinued.

Both Rigging Innovations and Sun Path feel that there are significant opportunities for expansion within the sport and military markets and the merging of our engineering departments will permit that.

Merging RI and Sun Path’s engineering departments will allow expansion


While we work through the merger process, all of our products, parts and service will continue to operate as it always has in Eloy, Arizona.


News of my impending retirement has been greatly exaggerated! Once the merger has been completed, I will be working with Sun Path’s engineering department. This is particularly exciting to me as the combined brainpower and significant resources at Sun Path will allow US to create some great things for multiple channels within the skydiving industry.

As Brenda retired last year, she and I have plans to travel for leisure as opposed for business and you can plan on seeing us at various locations around the world visiting friends we have made in our career in skydiving. Do you hear me Bushman?

I am grateful for everyone’s support with regard to the merger announcement.  Now, it’s time to get back to work as the 2020 skydiving season is upon us!

Blue skies!

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Meet: Sandy Reid

Sandy Reid made his first jump in May 1970. In 1971 he attended the famous Ted Strong School of Rigging and it was there that he first met Ted and recognized a kindred soul. Ted was a selfmade individual who was not afraid to try new ideas and concepts and he made most of the first jumps on his designs. This impressed Sandy and as he advanced up the rigging ladder into manufacturing, and he too followed Ted's example. That simple concept has guided him to this day. Along the way he has been incredibly lucky in having an innate ability to see what others could not. The Curv is the most advanced harness and container design in the world and our customers recognize this. He has been a leader, not a follower and he's not done yet.

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