
Rhythm How-To: The Accuracy Trick

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Rhythm describes the accuracy trick, a good visual tool for assessing whether you’ll make it to your target under canopy.

This trick can help you when you are high up for deciding whether to choose an alternate landing area. Also, when you are nearer to landing, it can help with your accuracy.

Accuracy Trick Tips

  • The Accuracy trick can help you judge where you are going to land, and if you are going to make it back from a long spot.
  • If you’re going to overshoot the angle will get steeper
  • If you’re going to undershoot the angle will appear to get higher up on the horizon
  • If you’re going to reach your reference point, the angle will stay the same
  • Use this technique to judge if yo’l get back from a long spot
  • Keep looking around to maintain awareness of other traffic

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Meet: Steve Lefkowitz

Steve Lefkowitz has been jumping since 2005 and has more than 12,000 skydives. He is a founding member of SDC Rhythm XP, one of the highest-rated FS 4way teams in the world and gold medalists in Open Class at the 2019 USPA Nationals. Along the way, Steve has contributed enormously to the sport, whether it be the prodigious amount of top-shelf coaching with which he has leveled up the skydivers who come to him, or through the technological means, he has co-innovated to spread good information even further.

SDC Rhythm is proudly sponsored by Sun Path, PD, Cypres, Kiss/ Square One, L&B, Tony Suits, Skydive Chicago, Paraclete XP, Skydive Sebastian, Para Concept Rigging

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