
Ukraine Flag Jump

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Standing with the Oppressed

For many years, prominent Texas-based organizer Larry Henderson has hosted a summer big way event. The event, August 12-14 at Skydive Spaceland Dallas, brought together forty-two jumpers for three days of fun and challenging jumps. Drawing about evenly from local jumpers and travelers from throughout Texas and beyond, the weekend included shared meals, camaraderie and lots of laughs.

This year Larry wanted to add an additional element of significance. The signature formation would be a recreation of the flag of Ukraine in freefall. Henderson stressed that the symbolism of the formation went well beyond the challenges currently faced by the Ukrainian people. The message being sent by the team was the importance of standing with oppressed people worldwide, wherever they may be. In the midst of all the fun, a greater meaning emerged.

Note: It was not possible for every member of the team to secure a jumpsuit in the desired colors. For that reason, some of the jumpsuit colors in the photo were modified using graphics software.

  • Photo: Norris Gearheart
  • Color Enhancement: Amos Gutierrez
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Meet: Jim McCormick

Jim McCormick is a skydiver, author and organizational consultant based in Colorado. He has earned numerous state, national and world large formation records. Jim is also the Director of Development for the International Skydiving Museum & Hall of Fame.

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